Wind (current)

Oct5 Not The Flight I Hoped For Day Count 105...YTD 3845

After 2 days of poor weather,with NE winds expected all day today,I had hoped for the very large raptor count that other sites had today. Todays 105 wasnt too bad,but most birds were very high. A young Bald Eagle was spotted by Ron,low over the lake,and we enjoyed a good long view of it. A low Merlin also gave great views,as did a low Coopers Hawk. Turkey Vultures were somewhat distant,hinting that official count sites (like Cranberry Marsh in Oshawa)were probably seeing alot(and they did). Todays count included:
Turkey Vulture.........................10
Bald Eagle.................................4
Northern Harrier......................19
Sharpshinned Hawk.................42
Coopers Hawk..........................3
Redtailed Hawk.......................18
American Kestrel.......................3
Peregrine Falcon........................3

Thanks to Ron,Carol,Tim and Paul for their contributions today.

October Off To A Flying Start: 245 Raptors..YTD 3640

October got off to a flying start as(so what else is new?) the weatherman was wrong again,and not only did it only rain about 15min and not till after 2pm,but the winds were predominantly northwest(high winds). Another busy day meant I was very thankful for all the help I had. Rodger and Jane,Keith,Bill,Leslie,Mike and friends and later Brete all added not just birds and expertise but to the fun of the day.
The final total was 245 raptors and included:
Turkey Vultures............................25(all thanks to Rodger spotting one)
Osprey...........................................5(several giving great views)
Northern Harrier...........................27
Sharpshinned Hawks..................160(high,low,other)
Coopers Hawk..............................6
Northern GOshawk.......................1
Broadwinged Hawks.....................10
Redtailed Hawks............................2
American Kestrels..........................7
Peregrine Falcons..........................2
Watching a Ringbilled Gull harass a Northern Harrier down on the lake was a highlight. A very close Peregrine Falcon was also exciting. Flurries of Sharpies kept me hopping. Thanks again to everyone for a fun day and your contributions.

2006 Year To Date Totals

Here is this falls total for Aug and Sept:

Turkey Vulture....................213
Osprey.................................83(new record,old 64)
Bald Eagle............................38(new record,old 25)
Northern Harrier.................319(new record,old 129)
Sharpshinned Hawk..........1667(new record,old 1618)
Coopers Hawk.....................57
Northern Goshawk.................5
Broadwinged Hawk............215(new record,old 22)
Redtailed Hawk....................85
Golden Eagle..........................1
American Kestrel................630(new record,old 294)
Merlin...................................40(new record,old 25)
Peregrine Falcon...................42(new record,old 40)
Total Aug/Sept ................3395(new record,old 3042)
Its been an amazing September,with more birds seen this month then last falls entire count. In Aug I saw 112 raptors,a good start. This month of September I saw 3283 raptors. I had 12 days this month with more than 100raptors seen. Bring on October! Thanks to everyone who came out,hope to see U in October!