Wind (current)

Nov 3rd thru 6th - Quiet Time!

Not much to report over the last four days from the Hawk Watch, inclement weather and lack of N element winds are to blame.  Tomorrow's NW wind should bring joy and happiness to us all.....please remember, I said "should".  You just never know at this time of the season.

Nov 3rd:
Cooper's Hawk - 1

Nov 5th:
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1

To Date:
Black Vulture - 1
Turkey Vulture - 3301
Osprey - 140
Bald Eagle - 104
Northern Harrier - 258
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 3696
Cooper's Hawk - 109
Northern Goshawk - 16
Red-shouldered Hawk - 73
Broad-winged Hawk - 1418
Red-tailed Hawk - 855
Rough-legged Hawk - 5
Golden Eagle - 7
American Kestrel - 697
Merlin - 127
Peregrine Falcon - 79
Total - 10886

We now need only 114 birds to reach the '11000 Raptors Counted' mark.  Hopefully tomorrow we'll see that number reached with a good steady stream of Red-tails.

As mentioned, NW wind on Friday!  Fingers crossed!


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